jag ser sprickor i horisonten som ingen ser
igår var jag på en mycket trevlig 18-års middag. väldigt lyckad med både släkt och vänner på plats. sååå fint hus fast det ennu inte var färdigt renoverat. ja hade roligt, mat&vin, efterrätt, cider, bra sällskap, dans och prat om lågstadie minnen gåendes hem fyra på morgonen med forna klasskamrater. klassträff 2012 \,,/
lite bilder från stafettkarnevalen! alla hannas. de finns oxo alla försök o finaler på arenan! svenska stafetten här.
ooh so happy :))))))))
ja ble så lyckli nä ja insåg att vi får stiga upp på prispallen att de kom tårar i ögonen
efter alla dessa år vi blivit 4:de i 4x100m :)) FETT NAJS!
ooh so happy :))))))))
ja ble så lyckli nä ja insåg att vi får stiga upp på prispallen att de kom tårar i ögonen
efter alla dessa år vi blivit 4:de i 4x100m :)) FETT NAJS!
hungry for love and thirsty for life
Voldemort #1:
I'm the darkest dark wizard in all of history,
I'll slay your ass out like Cedric Diggory.
With a wave of my finger Ill put you on the floor
You's a punk ass little kid without Dumbeldore,
I'm the best wizard rapper you ever will see,
you're a peewee witch midget with a dead mommy.
I've got multiple souls and can raise the dead
If you think you can win then you've been sorely misled
Harry #1
You's a big bald fairy, you think I'm scared of you
I smoked basilisk and I'll smoke you too.
I got witches in class I got witches in the halls
If you look under my cloak, you'll see my Hagrid size balls.
I win at wizard duels, I win at wizard chess,
Got platinum coated DUBS on my Hogwart's Express
You can't touch me son, I drive magic cars
I dish out big hurt you just pass out little scars!
Voldemort #2
Poor little Harry, you're such darling lad.
Do you miss you uncle? Your Mom? Your Dad?
Oh that's right I killed em, you're little owl too.
All your friends are next, I'll cut right through your crew.
You look like Marcy from Peanuts and your wand is tiny
Is that why you couldn't close the deal with Hermoine?
My boyz are called death eaters, they're black magic studs
They'll make you disappear, they don't care for mudbloods
You can never find me, it's like trying to catch smoke
You hide from me with your punk ass cloak.
You think your invisible, but I can see through that!
I'll run up with my wand and go RATA TAT TAT
Harry #2
Say it don't spray it your breath smells like a grave
Your teeth look like tombstones and your nose is concave
Your head looks like a golf ball your face looks like a lizard
Here's the toll free number for the hair club for wizards
The toughest gang around is Gryffindor crew,
wizards drive by's is what we do
When dementors try to ice me I step right up and own em
I crack a butter beer and say "Expecto Patronum"!
so sick!
I'm the darkest dark wizard in all of history,
I'll slay your ass out like Cedric Diggory.
With a wave of my finger Ill put you on the floor
You's a punk ass little kid without Dumbeldore,
I'm the best wizard rapper you ever will see,
you're a peewee witch midget with a dead mommy.
I've got multiple souls and can raise the dead
If you think you can win then you've been sorely misled
Harry #1
You's a big bald fairy, you think I'm scared of you
I smoked basilisk and I'll smoke you too.
I got witches in class I got witches in the halls
If you look under my cloak, you'll see my Hagrid size balls.
I win at wizard duels, I win at wizard chess,
Got platinum coated DUBS on my Hogwart's Express
You can't touch me son, I drive magic cars
I dish out big hurt you just pass out little scars!
Voldemort #2
Poor little Harry, you're such darling lad.
Do you miss you uncle? Your Mom? Your Dad?
Oh that's right I killed em, you're little owl too.
All your friends are next, I'll cut right through your crew.
You look like Marcy from Peanuts and your wand is tiny
Is that why you couldn't close the deal with Hermoine?
My boyz are called death eaters, they're black magic studs
They'll make you disappear, they don't care for mudbloods
You can never find me, it's like trying to catch smoke
You hide from me with your punk ass cloak.
You think your invisible, but I can see through that!
I'll run up with my wand and go RATA TAT TAT
Harry #2
Say it don't spray it your breath smells like a grave
Your teeth look like tombstones and your nose is concave
Your head looks like a golf ball your face looks like a lizard
Here's the toll free number for the hair club for wizards
The toughest gang around is Gryffindor crew,
wizards drive by's is what we do
When dementors try to ice me I step right up and own em
I crack a butter beer and say "Expecto Patronum"!
so sick!
Hyvä Suomi!
ja våga faktist int se på matchen igår... lite harmittaa de men de går allti skit om ja ser, dom vinner aldri o då bli ja ba förbannad :D sku villa fa ti torge ida men ja ha träningar... gjoo ja vill ha hip hop fest! lallalalaa
ja kommer villa dricka en sån här bara fö dom ser fina ut
ja kommer villa dricka en sån här bara fö dom ser fina ut
igår var det jobb 8-16 o efter det snabbt i duschen för att sen åka ti jessi o grilla. där satt vi 4 flickor och tala ett par timmar. sen for vi o åka bil till kessan o sådär + att vi shuffla lite på s-markets parkering. ja hadde helt massor energi av två batteryn o en starbucks kaffe som man kan köpa på burk! nä klockan var typ elva åkte vi me niils me våra moppen till fredde o några kom me bil efter. he va naiss man dj:a o sånt. sick!
i've got a million keys none of them seem to fit
ååååh nå jävla övernattning i skolan imorgon o skulle inte riktigt orka. addar bara mer stress. onödigt!
alltid då o då får ja en sån känsla när jag bara sku villa kasta glas o skrika, bara ge upp. men så kan man väl inte göra
alltid då o då får ja en sån känsla när jag bara sku villa kasta glas o skrika, bara ge upp. men så kan man väl inte göra
lyssnar på allt möjligt dubstep, helt noiss. igår/idag var ganska kiva. min fiilis fo lite igår före ja sku fa, vet int helt vaffö. men den kom nog tillbaka! ja va i kalkkis o dä va int så många men de va roligt ändå nä de va ba såna man kände, int fö att de nog sku sitta me nån fest me bara okända människor. vi dansa, prata, hadde juomapeli o vila:D ja hadde ingen aning hu ja sku komma hem men de fixa sig o ja va hemma typ kl 5. vakna ida tjugo över fem, hela dan ha fari o man ska snart o sova igen...
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